Lá fora cheira a primavera, mas ainda sabe bem o aconchego.
Este é o meu WIP inspirado nas novas cores do meu jardim,
o xaile «the feather and fan confort shawle» que pode ser
descarregado gratuitamente no raverly
O fio? Creative Poems da Rico,
comprado como sempre na minha loja preferida, a Ovelha Negra,
no Porto :)
Outside it smells like spring, but still knows the shelter.
This is my new WIP inspired by the colors of my garden,
the shawl 'the feather and fan comfort shawle' that can be
downloaded for free at raverly
The yarn? Creative Poems of Rico,
purchased as always in my favorite store, the Ovelha Negra,
This is my new WIP inspired by the colors of my garden,
the shawl 'the feather and fan comfort shawle' that can be
downloaded for free at raverly
The yarn? Creative Poems of Rico,
purchased as always in my favorite store, the Ovelha Negra,
in Porto :)
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